Getting Caught With Drugs Isn’t A Fluke If It Happens Multiple Times

If you get arrested for drug possession for the first time, there is still time to reverse course. Silently count the minutes until you can meet privately with a criminal defense lawyer, and then a world of possibilities will open up. The whole thing may blow over quickly; the court may simply dismiss your charges because it has bigger problems to deal with than a barely legal adult who got caught with a barely illegal quantity of weed in a 420 unfriendly Florida county. You might get to go to drug court, a pretrial diversion program where, if you complete your probation and undergo substance abuse counseling, the court will dismiss your charges. Of course, the more times it happens, and the bigger the quantity of drugs in your possession, the harder it is to persuade the court that it was just a youthful mistake and you have learned your lesson. If you have been arrested for drug crimes multiple times in the short time that you have been on this Earth, contact a Tampa drug crime lawyer.
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Alexandra Ramroopsingh built a successful business selling homemade baked goods and delivering them to customers’ doorsteps during the pandemic. She started her business, Rocky’s Sweet Treats, out of her parents’ house in Margate in 2021, when she was 22 years old, and three years later, it was going strong.
Meanwhile, in the course of delivering desserts to customers across South Florida, she got arrested for drug crimes three times, all of the arrests arising from traffic stops. The first time, the court dismissed the charges even before Ramroopsingh entered a plea. The second arrest was in January 2024, when Ramroopsingh was charged with drug possession. The court ordered her to complete 12 months of probation, but four days later, it dismissed the case. In February 2024, things turned out differently. A police officer stopped Ramroopsingh after seeing her entering a Deerfield Beach house where drug arrests had previously been made; the officer pulled her over shortly after she left the house and got back on the road. According to the police report, Ramroopsingh admitted to the officer that the drugs in the car belonged to her. She also said that she was carrying a gun for protection; she must own it legally, because she did not get criminal charges for it. A backpack in the backseat contained a smorgasbord of drugs, from marijuana and THC edibles to LSD, MDMA, psilocybin mushrooms, and Adderall. Now Ramroopsingh is facing charges for trafficking in controlled substances and for use of a two-way communication device in furtherance of a crime.
Contact Tampa Criminal Defense Attorney Bryant Scriven
A criminal defense lawyer can help you if you are back in court for drug crimes after previously entering a drug court program or getting your criminal charges dismissed. Contact Scriven Law in Tampa, Florida to schedule a consultation.