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Tampa Criminal Lawyer > Blog > Drug Crimes > Yes, You Can Get Pretrial Diversion For A Nonviolent Felony

Yes, You Can Get Pretrial Diversion For A Nonviolent Felony


If you get charged with drug possession, and you do not have a prior criminal record, you might be able to resolve your case through drug court, a pretrial diversion program where you can complete probation and drug counseling, and if you do so successfully, the court will drop your charges.  What if you are being accused of something worse than possession?  Is a young person who sells or transports drugs a hardened criminal who managed to avoid getting caught until now, or just a kid who made a mistake and deserves another chance?  In Florida, the courts are willing to give you a second chance at staying on the right side of the law even if your first run in with the law is a drug-related felony, such as transporting illegal drugs.  It is the criminal court system’s acknowledgement that there is a gray area between drug possession and drug trafficking, and sometimes people get talked into transporting drugs simply because they are impressionable or suffering from addiction.  Your best hope for getting into a pretrial diversion program if you are being accused of a drug-related felony is to contact a Tampa drug crime lawyer.

In Florida, a First-Time Drug Mule Gets a Second Chance

In March 2024, Brendan Paul was arrested at Opa-Locka Airport in Miami-Dade County when airport security found cannabis edibles and cocaine in his carry-on luggage.  Police began investigating Paul’s possible drug activity when a lawsuit filed against the recording artist Sean Combs, previously known by the stage names Puff Daddy and Diddy, alleged that Paul transported drugs to events where Combs would be appearing; it listed several locations and an array of drugs.  The lawsuit, in which Paul is not a party, described Paul as a drug mule for Combs.  Paul and Combs met when Paul produced an album for Combs shortly after graduating from college.

Paul, 25, has no prior criminal record.  Court documents list his parents’ address in Ohio as his permanent address.  After his arrest, he posted bail and contacted a criminal defense lawyer.  By June, Paul had entered a pretrial diversion program.  He must undergo substance abuse treatment and meet regularly with a probation officer, in addition to fulfilling other requirements.  If he completes all of the requirements successfully, the court will dismiss his charges, and he will not get a criminal conviction on his record.  If he fails to comply with any of the terms, then he will get a conviction, and he will still have to complete the probation sentence.

Pretrial diversion is even better than a plea deal.  With a plea deal for drug crimes, you can sometimes reduce your more serious charges to simple possession and get a sentence that does not include jail time.  With pretrial diversion, not only can you stay out of jail, but you can also avoid a conviction record.

Contact Tampa Criminal Defense Attorney Bryant Scriven

A criminal defense lawyer can help you if you are facing charges for transporting illegal drugs.  Contact Scriven Law in Tampa, Florida to schedule a consultation.





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