Domestic Violence Charges Are Much More Serious When A Weapon Is Involved

Ask any police officer or 911 operator, and they will tell you that domestic violence calls are all in a day’s work. It is nothing out of the ordinary when a couple gets into an argument, tempers flare, fists fly, and someone calls the police. Most domestic violence cases blow over quickly, at least in criminal court. Protective orders requiring the couple to stay away from each other may remain in place for months, or even years, and the accused parent may be limited to supervised parenting time for a while if minor children were present during the alleged domestic violence incident. It is difficult to prove beyond a reasonable doubt in criminal court that domestic violence occurred, because the accuser is often the only eyewitness to the incident, and most people are hesitant to testify against their own spouses, domestic partners, or family members. Domestic violence cases are much more serious if they result in injuries or if a weapon is involved, and in these cases, the chances are greater that the prosecution will be able to build its case based on more than just the testimony of the accuser. If you are being accused of domestic violence, contact a Tampa domestic violence lawyer.
Recording Artist Faces Legal Trouble in Criminal Court and Family Court After Wife’s Domestic Violence Allegations
Richard Morales, Jr., also known by his stage name Gunplay, has had an illustrious career as a rapper and as a cast member on the reality TV series Love and Hip Hop: Miami. He has also had a close call with the criminal justice system. In 2013, he was on trial for assault with a deadly weapon, among other charges, after he allegedly pointed a gun at his accountant the previous year, but the state dropped the charges once the trial was in progress because the alleged victim refused to testify.
The current case against him involves allegations made by his wife, Vonshae Taylor-Morales, who has also appeared on Love and Hip Hop: Miami and with whom he has an infant daughter. Taylor-Morales called the police after an argument with Morales in which she claims that he pointed a gun at her and later grabbed the baby out of her arms by the head and neck. As in most domestic violence cases, whether the prosecution can convict him will depend largely on whether his wife testifies against him in court, since no one else was present at the time of the incident. In the meantime, Morales is only allowed to have contact with his daughter by video chat. Although the incident happened in August, news sources have only given updates on the family law case, not on the criminal case.
Contact Tampa Criminal Defense Attorney Bryant Scriven
A criminal defense lawyer can help you if you are being accused of threatening your spouse with a weapon in the presence of your child. Contact Scriven Law in Tampa, Florida to schedule a consultation.